Monday, 3 February 2014

SwiftKey Note 1.6.4 - app

SwiftKey Note is a note-taking app that promises to be the fastest way to type notes on an iPhone or iPad.

Type faster than ever

Based on technology used by the SwiftKey Android virtual keyboard, SwiftKey Note speeds up typing by offering suggestions based on word prediction. The app is designed to learn as you type. So, in theory, the more you use it the more effective it will be at guessing what you want to type - thus the faster it will become!

In our tests, SwiftKey Note was indeed quicker for entering text on an iPhone than using the Notes app with the iOS 7 keyboard. On the iPad, we noticed that results of SwiftKey weren't quite as effective, and on occasions dictated texts were slower to input using SwiftKey Note. Speeds would undoubtedly be even faster if SwiftKey Note employed the same gesture-typing feature used in SwiftKey Keyboard for Android, known as SwiftKey Flow.

Of course, practice comes into it, too. Once you get used to the app and it begins to learn how you think it becomes better and predicting.

Besides offering word prediction, SwiftKey Note includes an auto-correct function, to prevent you from making spelling errors. If the word you want to type is not in the dictionary you can add it to the database, so that it will appear as one of the three suggestions in future.

There are eight different language dictionaries included in SwiftKey Note: English (US), Engllish (UK), Spanish (ES), Spanish (US), German, French (FR), French (CA), and Italian.

Keep your notes in order

One of the crowning features of SwiftKey Note is its integration with Evernote. You can link up the application to your Evernote account to ensure that all of your notes are automatically backed up and can be accessed wherever you go through whatever platform you choose. In this way, it replicates the function of iCloud backup of notes taken using the iOS Notes app.

Other features of SwiftKey Note include the ability to add formatting to text, which can be accessed simply by swiping across the screen. Just like in Evernote, SwiftKey Note includes tagging to help you organize your notes and make them easier to search.

The verdict

SwiftKey Note offers a quick way to take notes and then keep them organized. It's a shame it lacks gesture-based typing, which would make note taking even quicker. 

Download SwiftKey Note 1.6.4

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