LD SAT Prep Vocabulary is the ultimate FREE vocabulary builder designed for people, preparing for SAT exams. Its discreetly chosen words with their synonyms, antonyms, etymology and usage make it the best vocabulary prep app. Quiz and vocabulary games like Army of Synonyms, Scramble et al help in keeping word stock fresh in memory. Also, you can prepare for other English exams like ETS GRE, TOEFL iBT, ESL TOEIC, GMAT, XAT, etc.
The games in LD SAT prep are embedded after keen research on the retention of learned words in human mind. Learn the words with their attributes and play games! You would not realise how easily words of English language will be imbibed in your memory.
This program is designed for any students preparing for SAT and GMAT. Also, you can prepare for other English exams like ETS GRE, TOEFL iBT, ESL TOEIC, etc.
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