Thursday, 9 January 2014

Siege Hero HD 1.8.1 - app

Siege Hero HD evolves the tower destruction genre, much like Angry Birds, into an enjoyable physics puzzler.

Taking cues from other popular puzzle apps, Siege Hero HD changes the gameplay elements by changing the perspective from a 2D side-scroller to a first person strategy puzzle app. Players will hurl boulders, flaming flasks, and even a hook and rope to bring down various defenses to defeat the protected hordes.

Siege Hero HD uses a comic visual style in its presentation. It looks simplistic, but there is a charm to how each enemy is designed. The level design in Siege Hero HD is also well designed as each puzzle might take a few attempts, but there is a definite solution. Each level consists of soldiers throughout history such as samurai and conquistadors. The levels are designed around the structures of the specific time period.

The audio also has a distinct feel in Siege Hero HD, the menu system has contains a soundtrack that sounds like an epic film and the individual stages have environmental background sounds.

Siege Hero HD has smart gameplay, slowly increasing the difficulty of the levels and requiring more thought to complete the levels. Each type of weapon requires different thinking and Siege Hero HD presents them in fun ways. Siege Hero HD offers twelve playable levels presenting a good variety.

Siege Hero HD is an evolved puzzle app that uses familiar elements, and quickly becomes addictive.

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