Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Photo Studio - app

Photo Studio is a free photo editor for BlackBerry phones. It allows you to correct and adjust images, and apply effects to them while you're on the move.

You can use Photo Studio to edit photos that you take with the camera or that are stored on your BlackBerry already. Once you've loaded the image into Photo Studio it's very easy to work with. The current image is displayed on screen, with a toolbar underneath where you'll find all of Photo Studio's tools.

Among the settings you can tweak in Photo Studio are color, brightness, contrast, hue and saturation. Tweaking is generally done just by moving a slider left or right to adjust the levels. There are also tools for resizing, rotating, and cropping photos, plus a red eye remover.

Users will likely be impressed by the large range of image effects to choose from in Photo Studio, as well as all the different frames you can apply to your photos through the app. It would've been nice to have the ability to add text to images too, but hopefully this will be added to Photo Studio in a future release.

When you're done editing an image in Photo Studio you can either apply the changes you've made to the original image, or save it separately as a screen dimensions image to your memory card.

All in all, Photo Studio is great for making tweaks and corrections to photos you take on your phone.

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